Degenerative-destructive lesion of the spine, otherwise:osteochondrosis- a disease that includes damage to the ligamentous and articular apparatus of a person, intervertebral discs and vertebral bodies.
Osteochondrosis disease mainly affects older people, regardless of gender, although it should be noted that recently there has been a tendency to rejuvenate this disease. Such rejuvenation of osteochondrosis is directly related to the poor physical development of children and overweight in so many adolescents. In addition, modern youth prefer sedentary pastime near the TV or computer, avoiding sports. The combination of these factors leads to weakening of the back muscles, posture disorders and other negative consequences for the spine.
Osteochondrosis and its causes

At the heart of the disease with osteochondrosis is a disorder of the trophism of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, which changes the normal structure of tissues. As a result, the cartilage disc loses its normal elasticity and shape, reducing the width of the spaces between the vertebrae. Violation of the intervertebral ratio leads to compression of the nerve endings of the spinal cord, as well as to a significant overstrain of the spinal muscles, which explains the manifestation of pain in osteochondrosis. In addition, with osteochondrosis, quite serious complications often also occur, such as bulging of a part of the intervertebral disc, as well as vertebral hernia.
In the future, degenerative-destructive changes occurring in osteochondrosis lead to the formation of bone growths in the vertebrae, also spreading to the intervertebral ligaments and small joints of the spine. It becomes difficult for people suffering from osteochondrosis to perform flexion-extensor movements and over time they may develop pathologies - scoliosis or kyphosis.
All these degenerative-destructive lesions of the spine are usually the result of the inevitable physiological aging of the human body, but for a number of reasons discussed later in this publication, the process of osteochondrosis can significantly accelerate.
It should be noted right away that there is no single cause for the occurrence of osteochondrosis, but there is a large number of predisposing factors, and the main ones are:
- bruises, fractures, dislocations and other injuries of the spine;
- hereditary predisposition;
- various diseases of the foot causing vertebral overload, such as clubfoot, flat feet and others, as well as prolonged wearing of uncomfortable and tight shoes;
- obesity or excessively overweight;
- age-related natural changes in the body;
- violation of metabolic processes in the body;
- maintaining a sedentary lifestyle;
- abrupt cessation of professional sports;
- the specifics of professional activity, for example, frequent jerks and turns of the body, lifting weights, uncomfortable body position during work;
- prolonged and frequent hypothermia, aggravated by high humidity;
- the presence of frequent and prolonged stressful conditions.
The presence of several or even one of the above factors can lead to the development of osteochondrosis, which is conventionally divided into four stages:
- First stage- a decrease in the amount of moisture contained in the intervertebral disc with a decrease in the intervertebral distance. In this case, minor cracks appear in the cartilage.
- Second phase- due to the decrease in intervertebral gaps, sagging of the ligamentous and muscular apparatus occurs, which entails unnatural mobility of the vertebral bodies, their displacement and slippage.
- Third stage- due to the progressive degenerative-destructive lesion of the spine, there is an extrusion of the intervertebral discs, as well as vertebral subluxations.
- Fourth stage- in order to prevent subluxations and unnatural vertebral mobility, bone osteophytes grow between the vertebrae, in popular treatment they are called "salt deposits", which over time become so numerous that the vertebrae lose their mobility. With such bone growths, injuries of the nerves and blood vessels located near these vertebrae inevitably occur.
It should be noted that at the first and fourth stages of osteoarthritis, patients do not experience pain.
Osteochondrosis and its classification
Although osteochondrosis has a lot of different classifications, the most common is the classification of osteochondrosis, which takes into account the localization of lesions of the spine:
- osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
- osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine;
- osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine;
- osteochondrosis of the sacral spine;
- common osteochondrosis, which includes a disease of two or more vertebral sections.
Osteochondrosis and its symptoms
Osteochondrosis, as a disease, is chronic in nature and it is characterized by the alternation of the remission phase and the exacerbation phase, in which the symptoms of osteochondrosis are especially characteristic, depending on the location of the spinal ailment, as well as the presence of possible complications.
So, for osteochondrosis of the cervical region, pains directly in the neck, in the hands, a certain stiffness of movements, headache and numbness of the fingers will be characteristic. Well, in case of compression of the vertebral artery, the patient has a headache that is pulsating in nature, a decrease in the functions of the hearing aid, dizziness, and fainting is also possible.
Somewhat different are the symptoms of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region. The patient is concerned about aching pain in the back, which can also be acute in nature, difficulty breathing with full breasts, pain in the heart, as well as a sensation, so-called in folk treatment - "cola in the chest".
Symptoms of osteochondrosis in case of damage to the lumbar spine are manifested by pain in the lower back, legs, sacrum and are intensified when moving. In addition, numbness of the legs appears and various dysfunctions of the genitourinary organs may develop.
During the remission phase, a sick person may also experience pain that is not pronounced and occurs only in the case of provoking factors, for example, an uncomfortable position of the patient's body.
Osteochondrosis and its diagnosis

First of all, patients should take into account that a neuropathologist is engaged in the treatment of osteochondrosis. Diagnosis of osteochondrosis, as a rule, includes the following steps:
- questioning the patient;
- external examination and palpation of the patient's spine in different positions of the body, as well as the establishment of a possible range of motion;
- special studies for the diagnosis of osteochondrosis through magnetic nuclear resonance, computed tomography, as well as x-ray examination of the patient;
- special studies of peripheral nerves and blood vessels, but only in cases necessary for the correct diagnosis of osteochondrosis.
If you do not engage in timely and correct treatment of osteochondrosis, preferably without resorting to folk remedies, then there is a real danger of developing various complications in the form of diseases such as, for example, sciatica, disc herniation, migraine, vegetovascular dystonia, and with lumbar osteochondrosis - also spinalstroke. Therefore, the diagnosis of osteochondrosis and its treatment should be given due attention, avoiding methods of independent alternative treatment, so as not to start the development of this disease.
Conservative treatment of osteochondrosis
In the treatment of osteochondrosis in medical institutions, in contrast to traditional medicine, classical methods of its treatment are used. At the same time, the attending physician uses a strictly individual approach to the patient. Treatment of osteochondrosis to achieve effectiveness is carried out in a complex manner. Themselves conservative methods of treatment of osteochondrosis are divided into the following groups:
- Treatment of osteochondrosis with medications.
- Physiotherapeutic treatment of osteochondrosis, especially magnetotherapy, through the use of special medical devices.
- Sanatorium treatment of osteochondrosis.
- Organization of proper nutrition, with the help of a special diet.
Surgical intervention in the treatment of osteochondrosis
Treatment of osteochondrosis with the help of surgery is carried out only in cases where the above conservative methods do not give the desired effect. The most common is the removal of an intervertebral hernia, in which the surgical incision is no more than one centimeter, and the patient can get up on his feet the very next day after such an operation. Well, the course of complete rehabilitation of the patient is completed within six months after surgery.
There is also a method of treating osteochondrosis through surgical intervention, in which the affected intervertebral disc is removed, and a silicone implant or prosthesis is installed in its place, which leads to the restoration of the necessary distance between the vertebrae and, as a result, the elimination of symptoms of osteochondrosis.
Prevention of osteochondrosis diseases
First of all, for the prevention of osteochondrosis, you should:
- avoid increased stress on the spine by wearing comfortable shoes;
- try not to stay for a long time in an uncomfortable position of the body;
- exercise regular control of your weight, avoiding the yoke of excess;
- maintain correct posture at all times;
- when lifting weights, use both hands evenly;
- carry out daily general strengthening exercises, as well as pay attention to regular yoga or in the pool;
- follow a diet that includes in your diet foods such as fish, leafy vegetables and greens, dairy products, jelly and jellies, broths, eggs, butter and olive oil;
- avoid alcohol, carbonated drinks, excessively strong coffee, salty foods and fatty meats.